Working Group 3: Memorandum Description

[The following is verbatim from the MoU of the action IC1402]

This group will study novel and challenging computational domains for runtime verification and monitoring that result from the study of other application areas than programming languages. The objectives of this Working Group will be to identify the challenges for monitoring in the following application domains:

Distributed systems, where the timing of observations may vary widely in a non- synchronized manner.

Embedded systems, where the resources of the monitor are constrained.

Hardware, where the timing must be precise and the monitor must operate non disruptively.

Unreliable domains and approximated domains, where either the system is not reliable, or aggregation or sampling is necessary due to large amounts of data.

These areas involve expertise from more than one domain and have a much higher chance of success if attacked cooperatively.

The concrete outputs of this Working Group will be twofold. First, a series of documents will be worked out giving a roadmap for the application of runtime verification techniques to the areas listed above, identifying connections with established work in the respective sub-areas of computer science, and challenges and opportunities. Second, a concrete case study will performed, in which a runtime verification solution for multicore systems will be developed using dedicated monitoring hardware based on FPGAs to show the feasibility and general applicability of runtime verification techniques.

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