MC Meeting
8. June 2017, Begin: 15:15
1. Welcome to participants
2. Verification of the presence of two-thirds of the Participating COST Countries or, if applicable, a quorum
PT UK ES NO Israel CH MT DE SE LU fYRM FR (Serbia, visiting)
— no quorum!
3. Adoption of agenda: approved unanimously
4. Approval of minutes and matters arising of last meeting: ok/none
5. Update from the Action Chair
a) Status of Action: start and end dates of Action, participating COST countries, participating NNC/ IPC institutions and Specific Organisations.
Finance/BP walkthrough; progress on Australia, pending approval from his institution.
Walkthrough on upcoming events in next budget period. Dates for meeting in Luxembourg 16.11.2017 and Grenoble 1.3-2.3.2018.
b) Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM): review of completed reports and new applications
STSM report from Cesar, 9000 EUR in 6 missions already spent (out of 12000). Report on changes in COST System. STSM coordinators no longer see what an applicant actually enters into the system. Proposed new procedure: Chair confirms submission from system with STSM committee. Demo-walkthrough for Cesar’s application.
6. Update from the Grant Holder: Action budget status
7. Update from the COST Association, if a representative is present: NA
8. Monitoring of the Action: NA
9. Implementation of COST policies on:
a) Promotion of gender balance and Early Career Investigators (ECI)
b) Inclusiveness and Excellence (see below list of Inclusiveness Target Countries)
T.Margaria from IE going to join via NCP. Angela Wallenburg from UK wants to join.
b) NA
10. Follow-up of MoU objectives: progress report of working groups
— See separate slides linked from agenda —
11. Scientific planning
a) Scientific strategy (MoU objectives, GP Goals, WG tasks and deliverables)
b) Action Budget Planning
c) Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future activities)
d) Dissemination planning (Publications and outreach activities
a) — See separate slides linked from agenda —
b) Reminder from the Chair to DECLINE meeting invitations as early as possible to make room for substitutes.
Reminder that for COST publication reporting, only those with at least 3 COST countries are counted.
c) Final year meetings: possible locations are NO, DE, Serbia, IT, UK. Cesar suggests that FINAL meeting should be at Grantholder institution. Serbia is inclusiveness country. No vote yet due to missing quorum.
12. Requests to join the Action from:
a) COST countries
b) Institutions in Near Neighbouring Countries, International Partner Countries, and/or Specific Organisations: EU agencies, European RTD Organisation, International Organisations
a) NA
b) Australia (IPC) process ongoing.
13. AOB: None
14. Location and date of next meeting: Torino (IT), 18. Sept. 2017
15. Summary of MC decisions: None taken
16. Closing