2017 MC Meeting: Torino, 18. Sept

Program (abstracts)

Time  Title and speaker
8:15 Registration
IMPORTANT: All ARVI Meeting participants must register at the Entrance of the Cavallerizza, Via Verdi 9, to get: a badge, and the lunch ticket (if they have registered for it).
8:45 Welcome (Paola Pisano, Deputy Mayor for Innovation and Smart City at the City of Turin) – Venue: Sala Multifunzione 1, Via Verdi 9
9:00 Asynchronous Software Evolution: Obtaining Type Safety by Combining Type Checking and Runtime Constraints (Einar Broch Johnsen)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Interactive Runtime Verification – when Interactive Debugging meets Runtime Verification (Raphaël Jakse)
11:00 Towards Automated Workload Selection and Benchmark Synthesis from Open-source Code Repositories (Walter Binder)
11:30 Monitoring Decentralized Specifications (Antoine El-Hokayem)
12:10 Lunch
13:40 Management Committee meeting
15:00 Exploring the Adoption of Specification Inference Technologies in Industry (Luke Chircop)
15:20 Coffee Break
15:40 Timed Shield Synthesis (Florian Lorber)
16:00 Runtime verification of hard real-time systems properties (Andre Pedro)


Aula Magna del Rettorato, University Of Torino, Via Verdi 8, Torino, Torino, Italy. Note different venue for registration and welcome speech.

The suggested accommodations are at a walking distance from conference venue. For information on bus and tram see the Torino public transportation company (GTT) web site (when travelling by public transport beware of pickpockets).

Further Info

Please use the registration form to indicate whether you’d like to participate in the joint lunch! You may also want to participate in the joint dinner.

Ferruccio, Volker, & Christian