MC meeting 26. Sept. 2016 16:00
1) Welcome
2) Verification of the presence of two-thirds of the Participating COST Countries or, if applicable, a quorum: AT FR DE EL IL IT LT MT NL NO PT ES SE UK, plus Walter Binder, CH
3) Adoption of agenda — adopted w/o changes.
4) Approval of minutes and matters arising of last meeting — circulated by email, approved.
5) Update from the Action Chair: a)
- RV next year not in EU — where do the training school.
- No progress on RO joining the action
- Action on IE,DK required?
b) STSMs: 6 on Cesar’s list, to provide cut&paste
6) Update from the Grant Holder: Action budget status — Within budget. Next meeting in Prag.
7) Update from the COST Association, if a representative is present — N/A
8) Monitoring of the Action — N/A
9) Implementation of COST policies on gender equality/inclusiveness
a) Compile list of PhD-students and Post-docs at Summer School and COST-Meeting
b) CZ inclusiveness country upcoming
10) Follow-up of MoU objectives: progress report of working groups
Ylies (copied from slides):
- International Summer School (joint action with WG 4).
- Successful STTT paper submission reporting on the results of CSRV 14.
- Progress on the Springer volume: Arrangements with Springer, Deadline for the first draft: 30 of November.
- IsoLA track on Runtime Verification and Enforcement
Most notably: summer school with 50 participants
Q: How does the progress report align with the memorandum?
WG2, Giles: see attached slides
WG3, Cesar: Gerardo now co-chair
Dejan VERY active, Cesar to send out more frequent reminders with deadlines
Q: Grant period/limit? Grant-year until April.
Q: Encourage more STSMs? Yes, definitely. Budget for ~6 missions, currently underspending. Cesar to provide detailed numbers.
Chair confirms ~3k EUR left for this year (~2 missions)
Q: Instructions for applying to STSMs? A: on the web, public list of completed missions needs updating
WG4: Christian [PDF]
GDoc links
Sub-report on medical devices (Leucker), report at ISoLA upcoming (published now: PDF).
[VS:Invite Alessandra for the Prag-ws on “contracts”?]
11) Scientific planning: See WG-reports which include future work
12) Requests to join the Action: none
13) Cesar provides helpful advice on planning/budgetting COST-meetings
14) next meeting: 16./17. March, Prague
June, Lisboa. PT-MC Members to come forward with a exact date.
Summer School in 2018 then?
Q: Will the summer schools be continued beyond the Action? A: who knows…
Opinions on timing, colocation: maybe not with RV, to get a broader audience. Maybe not in 2017 but later, to get “fresh blood”.
Maybe colocate with ETAPS, April ’18?
Q: how many TS-participants stay for the conference? Cesar to provide numbers.
15) Summary of MC decisions — N/A, no decision required