1. Welcome to participants: Martin Leucker |
2. Verification of the presence of two-thirds of the Participating COST Countries or, if applicable, a quorum:
AT, CZ, *DK, EE, FR, *fMAC, DE, GR, *IS, *IE, *IL, IT, LT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PT, *RS, ES, SE, CH, UK *: not attending |
3. Adoption of agenda |
4. Approval of minutes and matters arising of last meeting: approved |
5. Update from the Action Chair |
a) Status of Action: start and end dates of Action, participating COST countries, participating NNC/IPC institutions and Specific Organisations.
b) Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM): review of completed reports and new applications
6. Update from the Grant Holder: Action budget status
7. Update from the COST Association, if a representative is present: NA |
8. Monitoring of the Action: NA |
9. Implementation of COST policies on: |
a) Promotion of gender balance and Early Career Investigators (ECI)
b) Inclusiveness and Excellence (see below list of Inclusiveness Target Countries)
10. Follow-up of MoU objectives: progress report of working groups
— see linked slides on MC meeting web-page — |
11. Scientific planning |
a) Scientific strategy (MoU objectives, GP Goals, WG tasks and deliverables)
— see linked slides on MC meeting web-page — |
b) Action Budget Planning |
c) Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future activities)
d) Dissemination planning (Publications and outreach activities)
(Ezio: progress on the book, some chapters already in reviewing, introduction needs to be written) |
12. Requests to join the Action from: |
a) COST countries: None |
b) Institutions in Near Neighbouring Countries, International Partner Countries, and/or Specific Organisations: EU agencies, European RTD Organisation, International Organisations
VOTE: Go-ahead for Australia if they provide their own funding |
13. AOB: None |
14. Location and date of next meeting 8./9. June 2017, Lisbon, PT |
15. Summary of MC decisions |
16. Closing |
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